Monday, February 10, 2014

Useful Spanish Phrases, volume 1

Mande? / Como?
(What? or Huh?, if you did not hear or understand)

Que hay para la cena?
(What's for dinner?)

Por favor, traeme un limo'n verde para el guacamole.
(Please bring me a lime for the guacamole.)

Hay un alacra'n en mi ropa sucia.
(There is a scorpion in my dirty laundry.)

*Note that my electronic device refuses to let me use correct accents over letters. Pronounce with caution.

1 comment:

  1. Que horrible! Espero que el alacra'n es muerto, pero hay mas, siempre hay mas...Mira adentro los zapatos cada manana.
